
UNASHAMED is a Charitable Trust that exists to see ‘Every young person in Aotearoa reached with the message of Jesus.’

Sonya has partnered with the Trust by writing for and performing spoken word at their outreach events since 2018.

If you believe in the vision and want to support by financially donating toward Sonya’s creative ministry endeavours, you are able to do so through UNASHAMED. You can choose to give a once-off amount, or commit to giving regularly. All gifts will be passed directly onto Sonya and will be tax deductible, so you can claim back a third of what you give.

Your koha can be given online to:

UNASHAMED Charitable Trust

Type ‘SONYA’ in the reference field.

To make sure you get a tax receipt at the end of the financial year, e-mail your details to:

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