Sonny's Stories - My Blog
POETRY: You’ll find below a range of my poetic pieces.
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What Does it Look Like to be Content
Where I am
Where I am going
The potentials and possibilities
I am constantly
Looking at the next step
I want to learn to stay grounded, instead
What does it look like
To be content
Right where I am
Yet to still be future-thinking
Plotting out ideas and plans
How do we dream and hope for better
While not missing out on this moment
How do we hold the tension
Of imagination and focus
You and I are We
You are designed with motives, ambition, drive
You have a pre-destined purpose
With your set of skills and talents
My function is not the same as yours
My responsibility is different at its core
We are a team
Completed by one another
Good Soil
Let the seeds fall in good soil
Not choked out, scorched or stolen
Rooted deep in ready hearts
Where fruit can be grown
Thirty, sixty, one hundred times
May the harvest be plenty
Multiplication taking place
To reach and feed many
Body alive
Active, moving
Body aware
Aches, bruises
Body unsure
Critique, judgement
Body affirmed
Caressed, admired
Body thanked
Working, useful
Body acknowledged
Healthy, beautiful
Imagine With Me
Imagine with me
A powerful and poetic people
Those who speak with boldness
Who share the fire from their belliesImagine with me
A passionate and fearless people
Those who pursue their dreams
Who are relentless in their giving of selfImagine with me
A strong and confident people
Those who stand true
Who are always learning and growingImagine with me
A unique and unashamed people
Those who live freely
Who know their purpose and embody itImagine with me
A vulnerable and honest people
Those who have no time for lies
Who share with grace and truthImagine with me
A compassionate and caring people
Those who meet the needs of others
Who don’t seek praise for their generosityImagine with me
A world you want to live in
Whose people live from love
Whose people live from love
Korerorero ki te Hoa
A conversation with a friend
Brings us back to being centred
Expressing the journey
Sharing the heart
To just talk with someone
That you trust
To say the things you before kept
Now opening up to the depths
Choosing not to hide
The goings-on that are inside
You may find
Freedom, peace, release
Even if nothing changes
Just being heard is sometimes enough
In someone hearing and holding
Your story
You feel seen and are sure
You’re not alone
Hope is welcomed once more
In the connection
Through the conversation
With a trusted friend
I am a Writer, a Poet
I want to pen perfect poems
Each line falling into place with ease
But it seems
That although I am a writer
A poet
The writing and poetry
Are sometimes still hard work
I still draw blanks
Hit a wall
Have no words to say at all
But still
I write
I write that something might
Come together on the page
That the journey of penning may lead us somewhere
And at some stage
Could take us from stuck
To taking one step
Then another
Then another
And so movement and momentum increase
And suddenly it seems
I’m twenty-three lines into
A poem of sorts
When the fingers hit keys
It seems
That I am a writer
A poet
Summer Rain
Summer rain falls
Interrupting our plans
Giving a much-needed drink
To dry and thirsty landWe tend to find interruption frustrating
But really it’s just life happening
The world giving her offerings
Us choosing if we take them
Will we see opportunity
or disruption
In the on-going interruptions
Worth Saying/Saving
A blinking cursor stares back at me
As I wonder if I have anything worth saying
Something of meaning
I’m thinking
And think only of Jesus
Lover of my soul
The one in who all things are held
This I know
I am not without a Saviour
Which gives me something to speak about
One thing worth saying
Jesus saves
The satisfaction of weed-pulling
Removing what shouldn’t be there
Clearing the space for the fruit to grow
Giving the plants room
To flourish and bloomIn the unknown and seeming chaos
When I can’t organise what will happen next
I instead tidy, clean, pull weeds
Making a difference where I can
Releasing control of my life’s planPlacing the meta-narrative in Yahweh’s hands
I am grateful for today
For this daily bread
For the roof over my head
For the honour of being an usher
Of the Kingdom of God