Sonny's Stories - My Blog
POETRY: You’ll find below a range of my poetic pieces.
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Today’s writing spot is the vehicle testing station
My car’s safety will have a full evaluation
You hope every time that all will be healthy
So you don’t have to fork out on more repair money
Monday Reflection
I’m sitting under a tree
Sun shining
It’s wonderful to be in no rush
It’s lovely to just
Soak in your Presence
Know the Father’s love
Be in the grass
Hear the cicadas call
Believing you’re in and through it all
Younger Me
Younger me,
I want to redeem what I held from you
In trying to be ‘good’
In attempting to please
I withheld many an opportunity
You were happy and full of hope
Yet you were plagued by so many don’ts
Restricted and relegated to your bubble
Self-preservation learned from being sheltered
Be free, younger me
Take risks and explore
Dance without reason
Give the wine bottle another pour
I am sure the choices we made
Were of good intention
Yet I see that in part they were driven
By fear of failure and disappointment
So get rid of the expectations
Of being this perfectly put together girl
And own the woman that you are
Discover your place in this world
Gabrielle (2)
Patches of blue sky tease us
The wind is so strong, clouds cover those cheeky blue spaces
Almost immediately
We remember recent beach days
The sun’s hot rays
It seems far away
From where we are now
Surrounded by mud and debris
The clean up won’t be easy
The cyclone caused tragedy
My Flow
I’m finding my flow
A cross over of gifts
Intersection of skills
I’m not just creating poems,
I’m creating environments
And opportunities
I Still Follow Jesus
To me, God is in everything
I will unashamedly speak of my Spirituality
Fully knowing
You may not agree and that’s okay
I don’t expect you to align with all that I say
But I won’t shy away
From what is true to me
Jesus has been a real part of my story
At the age of six I chose Him
And 10 years later I made a public declaration
It’s been another 10 years since
And still I persist
In being a follower of Jesus
I’ve let go of some beliefs
Others have expanded and evolved
If you asked my opinion on certain hot topics
I may say, ‘honestly, I don’t know’
I do know, however,
That I am my Beloved’s and He is mine
The hope and peace I have acquired
Where else would I find?
I don’t need to keep searching
Looking for other methods or other ways
Jesus is enough so it’s through Him I pray
This isn’t to say your way is wrong
And my way is right
It’s just to affirm my journey into light
My life is marked by increase,
Abundance, impossibilities
And I credit that to Jesus advocating for me
The one true God is good
He’s kind and full of grace
It doesn’t matter what name you call Him
Or if we worship in the same place
Because what is greater,
Over and above,
Is knowing and being known by the God of love
The people fill sandbags
Ready themselves for impact
The wind is rushing
Rain flies sideways
The force of nature is incredible
Roads impassable where trees block the way
The gutters spill over
Rivers form where roads once were
The houses are damaged
Rooftops become an escape from rising waters
The hills crumble in slips and slides
Regional warnings turn into a national emergency
The cyclone
I am a Founder
I did something
I created a thing
I founded an event
I brought an idea to life!
I dreamed and then did it
Imagination alone is powerful
But imagination paired with action is unstoppable
Let the Beating Begin Again
Your heart stopped
All seems lost
This could be the end
But it’s not
Life is preserved
Brought back
So you may know that
There is deeper meaning
You come back passionate
About re-connecting
With yourself
The world
Your wife and baby girl
Relationship is made central
It’s all about connection
Let the beating begin again
Conflict Avoidance
Am I living for comfort?
Making choices dependent
On what feels best for me
Instead of being awake
To a life of mystery?
Am I aware of the beauty
That can come from pain
Or do I just avoid it
Hoping to dodge and escape?
Is my resistance to conflict more damaging
Than having the hard conversation?
Is my desire for harmony
Actually causing friction and frustration?
Keeping quiet is not always the answer
Silence does not always acquire peace
Sometimes you must speak
Say what you mean